
When you are approved for non-exclusive representation by Baby Force Media, you join a group of leading Internet mom-focused sites and are represented to the world's top advertisers seeking to reach new and expectant mothers online. With one of the highest quality representation niche reputation in the industry, we focus on minimizing ramp-up time while maximizing quality and mom-focused advertisements across your site. Our knowledgeable customer service reps understand our advertisers' needs and work with you to generate greater profitability, leaving you to your core competency - creating a quality destination for your audience.

If you would like more information on how Baby Force Media can help you maximize your site's revenue potential, please contact:

Sue Levin email.

We will want to know: (a) number of impressions per month, (b) number of unique visitors per month, (c) if you have a mailing and if so, how many subscribers and how often is it mailed to, and (d) if you do co-registrations and if so, how many average do you generate per offer in a month.

Note: because we only work with a select number of sites, your traffic (pageviews and uniques) would need to be of a size that is worth an advertiser's attention and money. Typical buys with BabyForceMedia range from $3,000 to $75,000.